
Vibes from the past

We are going to uni for the first time on Monday and a new era of our lives is about to begin. I like beginnings because they give you hope, excitement and motivation. Suddenly, you are found in a different situation, surrounded by new people in a new place. And this is good. But on the other hand, beginnings are also the final end of something. It is like saying goodbye to everything and everyone you knew before, because undoubtedly you are going to change and so will they. Which makes me sad a little bit. Just like Holden, the troubled teenager from The Catcher in the Rye, I would sometimes like to put certain things in big glass cases so that they would just stay the way they are. Ah. The lovely nostalgia.
Radical Face- All is well (Goodbye, goodbye). Sad, but beautiful.


A Swan. By Rapunzel with DianaMini.

John William Waterhouse- The Lady of Shalott. Gotta love the colours and her facial expression.

Vinna Laudico- Little Girl Blue. Fashion story with a dreamy atmosphere. Tiara, puppet and flowers.

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Best friends who are quite bored all the time and whose greatness and awesomeness is being ignored by society. Besides that, they love glittery makeup, things that shine in the dark or randomly fly in space, analogue photography, kitsune maison compilations, cats, dogs, and of course, alpacas. C'est ça.
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